Tuesday, September 9, 2014

            The Super Bowl, also known as one of the most watched television events of the year. Fans wait all season with anticipation and nervousness as they wonder whether their team will be victorious in the end. Dedicated fans tune in yearly wearing their team’s colors or holding up a sign as they watch the big football championship. However, when many think of the Super Bowl, often times it is the commercials that come to mind. Super Bowl ads are known for their humor and entertainment. Doritos and Bud-wiser always make an appearance to either spike up laughter or emotion in the viewers that are watching. Super Bowl ads are talked about or re-watched for days after the Super Bowl occurred and many times even more than the actual Super Bowl outcome. So is it the ads or the game that producers are concerned about when they broadcast the event?
            With millions watching the Super Bowl, advertisers view it as a prime time to air their products. Selling fifty-eight thirty second spots for about four million a piece, the Super Bowl brings in large amounts of money through its advertising, even more money than the event tickets do. Although the game and half time show are displayed by producers to entertain, the main goal when producing the Super Bowl is to maintain its advertisers. Without the advertisements the Super Bowl to some would be an ordinary football came. The outrageous ads need to a part of the show to keep the same massive audience returning every year.
            Over the years the media has advanced. When producing movies, TV shows, or sporting events, producers no longer focus on the idea of amusing the audience. An audience can watch a show and discuss it after but that discussion is not bringing in millions of dollars to the producing industry. Advertisements result in the great sum of money causing the media to leans towards them as their new focal point of entertainment. Less ads means less money. Whether it is by bribe or by pay, the media keeps its advertisers loyal to their entertainment channels or else shows will go off the air due to a lack of money.
            What makes the Super Bowl a unique event is the advertising involved. Producers are aware that without the advertising the Super Bowl can be just like any other football game. By producers generating selective spots for ads with competitive biding for each ad to earn its spot as a commercial, the Super Bowl is able to maintain its advertisers. Through advertising, the Super Bowl becomes worthy of watching year after year. 

1 comment:

  1. Greta, this post is good. Your first two paragraphs are definitely the strongest, because it is in these paragraphs that you cite specific evidence. I struggle with your last two paragraphs, because I feel like you ran out of things to say so you just filled space by repeating ideas that most of your audience probably already knows.

    Here are two stylistic notes. First, I think we, as a class, should make a rule that we will not write about the general term "emotion." You write that ads "spike up laughter or emotion". What do you mean by "emotion"? Remember, this is a vague term that has no inherent meaning. You need to specify exactly what type of emotion you mean. How about we all just avoid the word "emotion"? Second, you write that an ad "brings in large amounts of money." This also feels vague. Why not make an attempt to provide an actual quantity?
