Censorship. Should it be used? In my opinion, yes it should. I believe that censorship could be a missing piece to a successful utopia. Most people, however, view censorship as a cause of chaos. However I disagree. I do not want extreme censorship, because people should know some things, like the fact that strangers can be very dangerous, or Santa Claus doesn't exist. But some things people do not need to know. I believe a perfect society could be established if everyone thought the same way, and there was no dissent.
Currently, there are a lot of negative views on censorship. Some people view censorship as evil and even detrimental to society. But there are all kinds of censorship used every day in situations which most people would agree with. Take the radio for example. When you turn on the radio, you might notice that stations do not allow swears, and even wont play certain songs that are just too inappropriate. This is compete censorship, yet most people are fine with that.
The word censorship evokes a negative response, particularly in Americans. But if you look carefully at the definition of censorship, you may be surprised to learn that it is a regular practice throughout the nation. Censorship has always been a vital component to the establishment of our society. However, in our society, it is an offensive word. Censoring anything is a restriction on our right of free speech. The definition of censorship is the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts. In my opinion, the key word in that definition is 'unacceptable'. This word makes it so that whatever is censored could be good or bad. For example, if everyone had to say something nice about the people around them. If the expectation was that you say something nice to me, then the censorship would be that you do not say anything mean to me. This would be a very positive use of censorship, and could lead to a very successful utopia. A Chinese writer under the pen name of Mo Yan said “The only difference is in the degree and way of censorship. Without censorship, then any person could on television or online vilify others. This should not be allowed in any country. As long as it is not contrary to the true facts, it should not be censored. Any disinformation, vilification, rumors or insults should be censored.” Mo Yan completely supports my view on censorship and how it should be used, which I believe is the key to a successful utopia.
Overall I think your journal is very well written, especially your opening. Your topic is very interesting and is indeed a very controversial topic in today’s society. You supported your thesis with many supporting details, as well as examples. It was clear in the beginning that you support censorship, but as you continued I became a little confused because it seemed like you changed your opinion. When you state, “censoring anything is a restriction on our right of free speech”, I got the impression that you were now against censorship. I may have interpreted this the wrong way, perhaps you were still referring to what you perceive to be the public’s view on censorship, but either way it’s a valid point.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the point that we need censorship in our society, but not on the same subjects necessarily. I agree that censorship on the radio is acceptable so that people do not hear swears or inappropriate content, but I don’t agree with you when you state “but some things people do not need to know”. I’m curious to know what you think we don’t need to know because I know I want to know as much information as I can, whether it is good or bad. Isn’t knowing the truth better than believing the lies? If the government censors what we see, their censorship creates false truths that we believe, and I personally would want to know what is being covered up. I was also confused when you said “I believe a perfect society could be established if everyone thought the same way”. True if everyone thought the same way there would be no arguments and society would be simpler, but you sacrifice the unique ideas people come up with and the belief of individualism. There would be no new advances or accomplishments; either that or everyone comes up with all of them, giving no individual the credit. However this is a little off topic, but I’m just curious as to know how your view on censorship could lead to a utopia, when faced with problems like these, but overall I thought you presented a very good argument.
Zack, I struggle with this for two reasons. First, you offer no specific examples of information that you think should and should not be censored. Santa Claus is not good enough. I agree with Maddy. What information do you think we do not need to know? Also, you do not acknowledge the counterargument. Naturally, in our country, in which our freedom of speech is our first amendment, you are going to have people who disagree with you. You really need to address these people directly.