Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Who am I? When asked this question the first answer that immediately comes to mind is to say my name: Greta Freking. However, my name does not define who I am as a person, sister, student, or athlete. My name can only tell a person what to call me. Who I am is sixteen-year-old junior student-athlete at Milton High School. I am the person that seeks for the challenges in life in order to push myself to accomplish new goals. I am the person that looks forward to new opportunities and ideas that I hear and learn about from my peers. 

Who I am at home is the oldest of four kids. I am a daughter, a sister, and hopefully a role model to my three younger siblings. I am the daughter who helps and attends to my parent’s needs in order to keep the house at ease. I am the sister that most of the time is there for my siblings when they are feeling down or need advice. I am a family person. Family comes first in my eyes and I am the person who will do anything for my family.

Who I am at school and as an athlete are similar and go hand in hand with each other. Whether I am in school, kicking a soccer ball on the turf, or racing on the track, I am the person that puts my heart and soul into everything I do. If I do not accomplish something to the best of my ability it agitates me for days however, it only makes me more determined to improve. Who I am is the student that at times enjoys school while at other times cannot bear it. I am the student who always does their homework, studies for every test, but still counts down the minutes until the day ends. After school I am the athlete. Who I am as an athlete is dedicated and motivated to improve everyday I practice. There are always ways to develop as an athlete and in my mind practice does make perfect.

Who I am is a caring, entertaining, and social sixteen-year-old high school student who wants to make it home everyday knowing that I did everything I possibly could do to make the most of my day. Life is too short to worry about the little things.

1 comment:

  1. Greta, this is fairly well written. There are a couple awkward pronoun issues where you confuse your narrative voice. You flip-flop back and forth from the first person to the third person - sometimes in the same sentence. That is awkward. Also, this is a bit vague. It's a nice description, but there is nothing in this to separate yourself from many other MHS students.
