Wednesday, August 27, 2014

If someone were to ask me "Who are you?" I would tell them I am just another average junior at Milton High School with the hopes of doing well at school and eventually becoming a successful adult. I would tell them I have created my life in Milton by trying to surround myself with caring people who can only help me improve myself; surrounding yourself with people who only want the best for you is the only way to ensure a successful high school experience.

If I were to define who I am I would begin with my love for the game of basketball and desire to play in college one day. Every coach, no matter which team I am playing for, emphasizes the fact emotion should not take place in the game, ever. This, for me, is the hardest part of the game. If I play well there is nothing that can bring me down in that moment in time, but if I play poorly my feelings of anger and embarrassment at that moment are indescribable. No matter what I can never seem to understand that it is not the end of the world if I make a mistake. Basketball can be bittersweet, but playing at the college of my dreams is my main goal; that describes who I am.

Not only does basketball define me, but so does my family. Having a close relationship with my family is important to me, but is not always the case. Creating good relationships with family and friends will set you off into the right direction once these teenage years are behind us. As I define who I am I would also explain my relationship with my friends. Five girls are Milton High School in particular are the only reasons I have not gone insane these past two years. Between school work, teachers and my social life I have no idea where I would be without these girls. We have helped each other grow and mature over the years, helping each other define who we all are.

If someone were to ask me "Who are you?" I would explain school, sports, family and friends, sounding like another average high school student. But as I thought about the question in more depth I would realize defining myself now is not who I actually am yet. Being a junior in high school sometimes I believe this is it, this is my whole life and everything I do is going to define who I am. This may be partially true, but what I do today is not going to necessarily define who I am in ten years. Right now, I am a junior in high school struggling through, trying to become as successful as I possibly can be. In reality, I truly do not know who I am yet but I'm slowly starting to find myself.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I thought the first two paragraphs in this post were really strong - the best paragraphs I had read so far in any of your classmates' posts. However, it seems to me that you ran out of energy or creativity in your last two paragraphs. The writing in your third paragraph is sloppy; there are grammatical mistakes and pronoun errors. The last paragraph feels repetitive. Too bad. I was really into the beginning of this post. See it through. Writers need stamina too.
