The first couple words that come to mind when I am asked "who are you?" are Anna Mahoney, an athlete, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a student; but I'd like to think those few adjectives are a vague description of who I really am. I've never thought an adjective or even multiple adjectives give anyone asked the question "who are you?" justice. I also believe the question can never be completely answered with out a formal meeting and vast time spent between two people. However, in doing my best to explain who I am I would have to say I am a some-what normal 16 year old high school student athlete, similar to many of my classmates. One thing I can assume may stand me apart from some classmates is my energetic, chaotic social life. I enjoy school and am definitely the type of student to constantly put forth my best effort and become incredibly upset when my grades do not reflect this. Nonetheless, I am most definitely not the type of student to spend my entire weekend studying.
People often say "enjoy being young while you can" and I take this piece of advice very seriously. I know that there is a specific time and place for handwork and having fun and I would like to think I have almost mastered the art of balancing of the two. One thing I find very important in life is being able to look back and throughly enjoy the time you have spent with the people you love.
Anna, I definitely agree that people should not rely on adjectives to describe themselves. This is a lesson that many of your classmates would be wise to learn. I'm glad that you recognize this. I will say that your post troubles me a bit because you tell me twice that answering this complex philosophical question will require a lot of thought and time. After writing this, you then write a really short response - the shortest in your class. You had 400 words to explore an answer. I recommend using them, especially if you tell me that you need them.